Welcome to Modified Blue

Hello, and welcome to the first post on my blog, Modified Blue. Let me start by warning you that I have little to no experience in the blog world. Truthfully, I don’t follow or read any blogs out there, so it’s safe to assume I have zero experience on how to format these and make them “reader friendly”. That being said, I will do my best to make things interesting.

Modified Blue is my attempt at finding a centralized space to put my thoughts and experiences down. My desire to share them with you is in hopes that maybe something I post on here will resonate within you. Maybe we can connect on a common ground, or maybe I will offend you somehow and we can talk about that too. Maybe we can inspire each other through our actions and help motivate one another to be the best at being us. There really is no rhyme or reason here folks.. maybe that will come down the line organically. Until then - enjoy!